We enter this world
with a pure heart; let us leave with the same. ~c. bruedigam
Recently I received a book of
“Words to Love By,” from the quotes of Mother Teresa and when I opened it
randomly, it was to how prayer changes
the heart:
“Change your hearts . . .
Unless we change our hearts we are not converted.
Changing places is not the answer.
Changing occupations is not the answer.
The answer is to change our hearts.
Unless we change our hearts we are not converted.
Changing places is not the answer.
Changing occupations is not the answer.
The answer is to change our hearts.
And how do we change?
By praying.”
By praying.”
She was right, prayer has brought
about huge change for me, especially in conjunction with reading the Bible. She
hit my situation right on the head: not needing to move or keep changing what I
do, it is inside that I had to change. For years I have sought and sought, tried
this and tried that, from everything in my personal life and beliefs to hobbies
and work. I would think, ok that didn’t
work, so I will change to this, but nothing worked, ever; nothing. I was
chasing my tail, spinning my wheels, stuck in the muck. Finally, when I wanted
out bad enough, I began to pray and then the change of heart began.
In this change of heart, I realized the heart is the path to
God. My heart is the thing I have searched for all this time. Maybe the third
eye can bring openings or unity or mystical experiences but it is the heart
that is the key. Clearing the heart is the first step and that can only be done
(for me at least, finally) through prayer. By spilling out our heart in prayer,
the heart becomes open and cleansed, revived, and once again ready to give and
receive, all through the healing power and forgiveness of God. Perhaps the
heart is God, but then what is the
heart if not love, and love of course is
Works Cited
Teresa, Mother, and Cunningham, Frank, J.. Words to Love By. Indiana : Ave Maria
Press, 1983.
Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250
Sharing with YOU for a happier, Spirit-filled life
Sharing with YOU for a happier, Spirit-filled life
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About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam
Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and women's spirituality. For the past five years, she has been diligently working in Angelology, as well as publishing a series of books on angelic guidance as well as "The New Age of Christ."
Bruedigam is a certified yoga and meditation instructor. She lives in New Mexico with her husband.
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