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A Virtuous Woman Proverbs 31:10 – Verse Discussion

A Virtuous Woman Proverbs 31:10 – Verse Discussion

In this series I am going to discuss each verse from 31:10-31, using the King James Version. One could say as far as discussion on these particular verses, it has been done, and it has, yet I feel compelled to contribute a bit further to the vast body of works written on or inspired by these Proverbs identifying a virtuous woman because we so desperately need to reclaim our natural feminine essence in this rapidly changing world.

Proverbs 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

The question posed by the author some thousands of years ago is not only as potent today as it was when written but ever more so as women in their search for equal rights, androgyny, and individuality have unfortunately become cut off from our own natural inner feminine spirit. I know, it happened to me due to work and fads and many other factors. I had to work at regaining what I had lost.

Let us look at the word, virtue. Webster’s gives the following definition:
Definition of virtue
1 a : conformity to a standard of right : morality
b : a particular moral excellence
2 : a beneficial quality or power of a thing
3 : manly strength or courage : valor
4 : a commendable quality or trait : merit
5 : a capacity to act : potency
6 : chastity especially in a woman

In looking at this list of definitions, I believe merit is what we are talking about so I will go a step farther to the definitions given of merit that apply in this case:

1 b : the qualities or actions that constitute the basis of one's deserts
c : a praiseworthy quality : virtue
but originality, as it is one of the highest, is also one of the rarest, of merits —E. A. Poe
d : character or conduct deserving reward, honor, or esteem; also : achievement
composed a number of works of merit —H. E. Starr
2 : spiritual credit held to be earned by performance of righteous acts and to ensure future benefits

So in looking at the above definitions, descriptions and qualities, it is easy to see why a virtuous woman’s value is far above that of rubies. These qualities are difficult to always achieve but still should be our goal as women, both women and men. These are the qualities that (should) make up our basic foundation. In looking at our population in general, we can see a great loss in this area. Home and family life are many times on the back burner, young women reject age-old wisdom and priorities and the new generations of children are lost within a high-tech, politically correct world lacking not only virtue but any instruction on it as well. Many people, especially young people, have turned away from God because of various religions or news media reporting on the actions of said religions, or have turned instead to addictions, fantasies or inappropriate material for influence or guidance.

The woman is the queen of the hearth and is responsible for the environment in which her family is raised as well as for their wellbeing; physically, mentally and spiritually. Many of today’s families are severely lacking in all areas. Without faith in a supreme being, what virtue have they for guidance?

Women are spiritual beings and it is imperative that as such, we re-connect to the inner core, to our Creator, so that we can develop the qualities needed to return our value to that above rubies. We are all guilty to some extent and we all fall at different places upon the continuum. We should as sisters in spirit, help to guide and council other women in their efforts toward their self-worth so that they may become women of virtue raising people of virtue.

Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250

Empowering Women Through Faith

Books, videos, inspiration, divine guidance.

About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam

Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and women's spirituality. For the past five years, she has been diligently working in publishing a series of angelic books as well as "The New Age of Christ." 

Bruedigam is a certified yoga and meditation instructor. She lives in New Mexico with her husband.

Order her books or find at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and ITunes


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