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Spiritually Speaking, Are We Allowed to Prosper Financially?

There are many different spiritual viewpoints on whether or not we are to prosper in life and in our livelihood but most all lean at least toward the idea that materialism is wrong.

For many years I tried to adhere to the idea that we create our own prosperity but it just never worked no matter what I did, no matter which religious or spiritual beliefs I was cycling through at the time. I have stated in other articles that it is my belief that once we commit to a spiritual path, then the Spirit is in control; God is in control. Our ability to prosper may be affected by lessons for growth, the need to be humbled, or any number of reasons, and that no amount of positive thinking or manifesting or attempts at controlling or “creating” your circumstances will change this. I made the mistake of listening to the flood of new age authors and philosophies that encourage spiritual seekers that there is nothing wrong with asserting a “spiritual” business and manifesting financial success. That did not work for me, God did not allow it. After three decades, I understand that I am to do the work, not worry over tomorrow, and that my needs will be provided.

In looking at some of the major world religious beliefs, we find similarities that the material world is not what we are to be focused upon nor striving toward. Hindu, Buddhism, Christianity, to name a few, all turn their focus to the spiritual and away from the material world.

So then, is it wrong to prosper financially? Jesus says that we are to just trust God, like the birds of the field. The Old Testament however does give us examples of the prosperity that God’s people could receive. Some of it most likely refers to the soul or the afterlife, but much in the Old Testament speaks of God’s willingness to make His people flourish when they obeyed and kept His ways such as in Joshua 1:8
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

A few others include:

Psalm 122:6 . . . they shall prosper that love thee.
Nehemiah 2:20 . . . The God of heaven, He will prosper us.
Genesis 24:40-42 (Abraham’s servant speaking)
40 . . . the Lord before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way . . . (Abraham speaking)

Even in biblical days, whether in the old or new testament, regular folk had families for whom to provide, they had businesses and professions and they were encouraged to work six days and rest on the seventh, they were no different than we in that respect.  Their beliefs and behavior were key factors in their blessings received and most especially in the Old Testament.

Whether or not the actual word is used, the underlying theme of the Old Testament is that indeed God’s people will prosper if they follow His ways; that is why He freed them and is why He was determined to get them to the land of milk and honey. Jesus then comes along however and tells us that it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. So which is it? I think one difference is the Old Testament is talking about the people as a whole living good lives and being rewarded by God for such. Jesus is referring to individual men who pursue financial wealth at a spiritual, and even sinful, cost. 

One thing to remember is that prosperity comes in many forms (though we tend to think only in terms of money). The word prosper, which the dictionary does define in financial terms, also defines it as to flourish. Webster’s also adds that it can mean to become strong and healthy. The word prosper though in its root form actually comes from the Latin prosperāre, to make happy. So if we look at it from the root, we are indeed meant to prosper in the spiritual sense. It is we in our modern use who have attached the financial connotations to its meaning.

We will all have our ups and downs that are a part of our life’s lessons and growth. If we believe in the Spiritual, then we have to understand and accept that these things are not in our control. We will prosper if and when God deems us worthy. We each have our own relationship with the Creator and should be inclined of course to follow what feels best suited to us but if someone is telling you that it is OK to be spiritual and rich and “here’s how to do it,” buyer beware, it is not likely a path from the true Divine. It is likely that our being allowed to prosper, or our prospering being spiritually acceptable, is in the sense that as dutiful spiritual servants, God will prosper our well-being and wholeness on all levels. With trust and faith and in keeping that which is just, we will prosper wholly by the grace of God.

Many blessings. 

Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam

Empowering Women Through Faith

Books, videos, inspiration.

About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam

Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and women's spirituality. 


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