Isaiah 12:3 promises, “Therefore with joy shall ye draw
water out of the wells of salvation,” and according to author, Greg Zoschak, in
A Call For Character, “Salvation
means safety, soundness, deliverance,
preservation, and health. It covers every aspect of life, not just the
spiritual aspect. . . These blessings are drawn to the surface (or to
manifestation) through joy.”
But how do we get to this joy? How do we cultivate it, manifest it? We can only experience true joy within the moment because if
we are worrying or anxious or fearful or thinking about the past or the future,
then the joy cannot flow through us. Only by fully letting go in the moment can
we allow the joy to flow through and only a clear mind will be able to
experience it. That is one reason that activities like meditation, prayer and quiet
time can serve us so well; as we clear our minds, we open them to receive and
further cultivate the fruits of the Spirit.
Cultivating joy is one way that we can aid the healing process.
Then when our minds are cleared and the joy is flowing, this
will aid us in the healing process by lifting the mood and thus allowing us to
receive more in flow from the Spirit such as healing. When we feel joy and can
get there daily, we can trust that we are helping the healing process. Try it and you will see, even if your body still feels bad, when the spirit feels joy, the mind feels joy and it is only natural that with training, the body will begin to follow suit. And at least consider this, it is certainly better than the alternative: no joy, no good feelings, no healing. Open up, control your mind and allow the joy to flow in. The Holy Spirit will feel you with joy when you seek it.
Follow the light of your heart!
Many blessings.
Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250
Empowering Women Through Faith
Empowering Women Through Faith
Books, videos, inspiration, divine guidance.
About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam
Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and women's spirituality. For the past five years, she has been diligently working in publishing a series of angelic books as well as "The New Age of Christ."
Bruedigam is a certified yoga and meditation instructor. She lives in New Mexico with her husband.
Order her books or find at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and ITunes
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