We all have our own spiritual rate of growth depending upon
our healing, our lessons, our belief (or lack of it) and our own individual
needs. It is important to understand this, especially at times when it feels
like things are not moving forward or that prayers have gone unanswered.
Everything is received in Divine timing based upon our unique needs and growth
Now this is not to say that we cannot stagnate within our
growth because we certainly can but even inside that stagnation, if we become
alert, we will see and find our growth and we will then be able to move
forward. Our spiritual growth rate is directly related to our awakened state
and the desire to move toward enlightenment. Without these, we can yes, remain
stagnate with little-to-no spiritual growth indefinitely, many people do, but
they are where they are on the spiritual path.
Does it matter at what rate we grow spiritually? This is a
yes and a no answer. Yes in that it should matter because that is the goal of
our soul: to evolve in and of the Spirit. It is our earthly mission to find our
way back to the God-source within. Without this, we are just as they say,
worm-food. It is our journey back to reunite with the Holy Spirit within us
that is our reason for being and to allow it to evolve and act through us. On the other hand no because we each grow individually at
different rates. Sometimes, if we do not understand a lesson, we repeat it many
times until we understand. The growth rate does not matter as long as we are striving to grow.
Your rate of spiritual growth is within your control to a
degree, if you can open to the Spirit within and allow the Spirit to drive your
boat rather than the conscious ego. Ego does not want to evolve, it does not want to be confronted
with growth because growth usually requires some admittance on our part of
wrongness or inability to see or selfless acts or humility in some form or any
number of things that make our ego feel threatened. So opening up, self-analysis
and self-awareness, and receipt of the Holy Spirit will indeed help you to
increase your own personal spiritual growth rate. It is in your control. Open
up, let it flow and get ready to roll forward in your spiritual journey and
growth and the sooner that you do, the sooner you will be on your way to
receiving good health, joy and abundance.
Things to help with your spiritual growth rate:
- Ask yourself in any instance, is this from my heart or is this from my ego?
- Check in for a "progress" report from the Spirit. You may receive the information through your angels, through prayer, or in any number of ways but if you ask, be ready to move forward with the information given you.
- Ask for Divine help, then be open to receive.
Let angels guide thy path.
Get your journey on! Your soul-journey.
Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250
Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life
Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life
Books, videos, inspiration, divine guidance.
About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam
Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and women's spirituality. For the past five years, she has been diligently working in Angelology, as well as publishing a series of books on angelic guidance as well as "The New Age of Christ."
Bruedigam is a certified yoga and meditation instructor. She lives in New Mexico with her husband.
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