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Shifting Perspective to a Good Day

No matter what we have, there is always someone who has more; there are also those who have less. I found myself grumbling today over the heat, cooking big meals, the simple domestic obstacles that arise in the day-to-day. Wishing for more, a larger home, better cooling system, more pleasant geographical environment, not enough sleep the night before.  I was letting these thoughts take over my normal feelings of peace and gratitude. It is so easy to head down that slippery slope without even realizing it.

As always though, the Spirit was quick to guide me to a shift in perspective.  Scrolling social media I was taken in by a video playing of the recent tropical storm in El Salvador. I was brought to immediate shame for the thoughts and feelings I had been allowing. How dare I complain about the heat or having enough food to cook in a house in which to live when these people just lost everything? They are already so financially challenged with so little resources, add the virus to that and it makes for very difficult and heartbreaking circumstances. I do not follow the news too much, especially this week as there has been so much it is overwhelming and therefore I did not even know about this tragedy. 

Sharing the video here from Operation Blessing.Donations are welcome and much needed.

Tragedy can strike anywhere and it is imperative that we remain thankful for every moment and all that we have as we also remain aware of the lack and misfortune of others. We must always remember that things can always be worse. So many of us take so much for granted, though I believe the coronovirus has definitely given rise to a shift in all that we do take for granted. But it doesn't even have to be tragedy, most of us have in our day-to-day more than many in the world and live very richly in comparison.

So if you think you're having a bad day, it may just be perspective and time for a reminder. Spend time in prayer, be thankful and open to being shown the gifts and grace which have been bestowed upon you. Give if possible, to those less fortunate. 

"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5

"O give thanks unto the Lord:" Psalm 105:1

About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam

Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and spirituality. She is now teaching and sharing A Woman's Path to Wholeness Through Biblical Teachings.


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