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An Invitation to Peace through Biblical Teachings

There may be many ideas of attaining peace but for me the only path to peace has been through Biblical teachings, through God. Since I began reading the Bible three years ago after twenty years of studying almost every other religion, philosophy, teaching and mythology available, I have found it because the Bible guides us in an evolutionary way towards complete freedom, redemption and ultimately, the gifted peace attained through the Holy Spirit.

If like me, you have sought understanding, growth and forgiveness to no avail, have turned over every stone, there is one other that waits, the one you have avoided, the one that looks comparable in size to reading the dictionary or the New York City phone book. It is the read that changed me and changed my life. Most importantly, it changed my outlook and perception while teaching me to find the peace much needed in today’s world because the need for peace never changes nor does the method of achieving it.

You will read stories of others just like yourself, in situations of life that though took place thousands of years ago, the people involved had the same problems as we do (and many more due to the lack of technology, adequate farming, lack of medical knowledge and so forth). These people hurt, lived, loved, sacrificed, and yet continually evolved in their lives and spirit. They understood the need for spiritual understanding and growth thousands of years ago, and through it all, they understood the need for peace, the peace that only God can provide within.

Peace is not out there, it is within. Wars will possibly always rage, pandemics may re-occur, Mother Nature will have her way, crime and ugliness are an ongoing battle against the darkness and the poor suffer and the ill pass on, but through it all, we are given the way and the tools and the guidance to seek and achieve peace within each of us and when we do, we can share it to others.

Open up to the idea and go into it with a clean slate to see what you can actually glean from the Bible and you will likely be more surprised by it than with any undertaking thus far. You will attain peace from reading Scripture, time in contemplation of Scripture, from a new and deeper understanding of God and the relationship between you, from the teachings of Christ and the Apostles and through the settling of your soul into the accord that is the peace of God.

John 14:27 
27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Christ offers His peace freely and for each of us, all we must do is accept it; and to begin, reading His Word in the biblical teachings, you will find the invitation waiting. An invitation to peace.

Study Suggestions:
Recommending the King James Version for the flow and original and more archaic writings but also a good modern translation to which you may refer for clarity. My highest recommendation is the Women’s Study Bible NIV, Thomas Nelson Publishers.

About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam

Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and spirituality. She is now teaching and sharing A Woman's Path to Wholeness Through Biblical Teachings.


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