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Showing posts from June, 2020

Little Big Girl Dreams (Making Your Dreams Come True)

Watch here or on my channel . Inspirational women's video, it's never too late to go for your dreams. We all had childhood dreams and maybe some didn't happen, life gets in the way, we take some wrong turns and we think it's too late. But it's NOT! Watch and be inspired to recapture your dreams and make them a reality! About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and spirituality. S he is now teaching and sharing  A Woman's Path to Wholeness Through Biblical Teachings .

An Invitation to Peace through Biblical Teachings

There may be many ideas of attaining peace but for me the only path to peace has been through Biblical teachings, through God. Since I began reading the Bible three years ago after twenty years of studying almost every other religion, philosophy, teaching and mythology available, I have found it because the Bible guides us in an evolutionary way towards complete freedom, redemption and ultimately, the gifted peace attained through the Holy Spirit. If like me, you have sought understanding, growth and forgiveness to no avail, have turned over every stone, there is one other that waits, the one you have avoided, the one that looks comparable in size to reading the dictionary or the New York City phone book. It is the read that changed me and changed my life. Most importantly, it changed my outlook and perception while teaching me to find the peace much needed in today’s world because the need for peace never changes nor does the method of achieving it. You will read ...

Inspire. Start Now.

Watch here or on my channel. Ready to live your dreams? Feel like you can't? It's time to begin. Time to pull all your resources together with your skills and dreams to start LIVING and INSPIRING others with your life. It's time to dream, awaken, remember and get started! About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and spirituality. S he is now teaching and sharing  A Woman's Path to Wholeness Through Biblical Teachings .

You Can Do It!

Watch here or on my channel Inspirational and uplifting new video. Do you feel afraid, uncertain, lost or without direction? Wondering how to change, how to make things better, how to find your way? Start now, start today. YOU can do it! The key to every thing in our life is the Spirit. Find joy, healing, your divine purpose, love, and the empowerment you need to fulfill your destiny. It is all waiting for you. Make the change.  About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and spirituality. S he is now teaching and sharing  A Woman's Path to Wholeness Through Biblical Teachings .

Time to Nurture Turns Faith into Action

For many of us this health crisis has felt like we are just biding our time, but this can be a good thing. It gives us more time to focus on God and to increase and nourish our inner strength. With faith in God, everything we need is given us, all that we need is provided and in this we can be pleased and grateful, freeing us for other thoughts, activities and pursuits in our Divine work. God also gives and renews in us that child-like wonder which brings us even more joy and allows us to give and receive a more fruitful fulfillment in ourselves and in others. This crisis is also a good time to let go of the past while in a transitional phase. It is a given time to depart from old ways and bring in more of the new that we want and are meant to be in the light of Christ. Doing this will then bring us even more pleasure in His light and will strengthen our trust because we have put in the time to nurture our self and our relationship to Him. This gives us happiness in becomi...

Shifting Perspective to a Good Day

No matter what we have, there is always someone who has more; there are also those who have less. I found myself grumbling today over the heat, cooking big meals, the simple domestic obstacles that arise in the day-to-day. Wishing for more, a larger home, better cooling system, more pleasant geographical environment, not enough sleep the night before.  I was letting these thoughts take over my normal feelings of peace and gratitude. It is so easy to head down that slippery slope without even realizing it. As always though, the Spirit was quick to guide me to a shift in perspective.  Scrolling social media I was taken in by a video playing of the recent tropical storm in El Salvador. I was brought to immediate shame for the thoughts and feelings I had been allowing. How dare I complain about the heat or having enough food to cook in a house in which to live when these people just lost everything? They are already so financially challenged with so little resources, add ...

Choose Life, Choose Light: Avoiding and Healing the Darkness of Abortion

Choose Life, Choose Light : Avoiding and Healing the Darkness of Abortion is a new ebook. It is my story, written from personal experience of the four decades of darkness and destruction through which I suffered due to abortion. If you are considering abortion, I urge you to read my story. "For those considering abortion, please, know that if you do, someday, ten, twenty, thirty, forty or even fifty years from now, you will be in a puddle on the floor, curled and clutched in the greatest pain of your life trying to come to terms with the tragedy of your decision." If you have had an abortion, I also urge you to read this to find out how you can begin healing because the scars are so deep, we may not even know they are there.  It is my hope that the loss I suffered and the mistakes I made will help to steer someone clear of them, to help save future lives and to illuminate the darkness of all that is related to the horror of abortion. Choose li...