Inevitably throughout life, we change, we grow and we move forward and to do this, we must let go of many things. I can't even begin to tell you how much I have changed just in the past two years. Reading the Bible changed me and changed my life. It changed me into who I am supposed to be. Sometimes people in our life do not want to see us change, even if it is for the better; they do not understand the changes because they are not walking our path, they are at their own place on their path. Do not let others discourage you and do not let the past hold you back from walking on into your new life, your new you. Even though outwardly there may not be any visible changes in your life such as where you live or work, there are changes taking place inward that must be nurtured and allowed to flourish. We all change but especially when we make the commitment to a spiritual life. We are made new in the light of God. Psalm 102:26, “ . . . as a vesture shalt Thou change the...