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Showing posts from February, 2019

Walk On: Changes and Moving Forward in a Spiritual Life

Inevitably throughout life, we change, we grow and we move forward and to do this, we must let go of many things. I can't even begin to tell you how much I have changed just in the past two years. Reading the Bible changed me and changed my life. It changed me into who I am supposed to be.  Sometimes people in our life do not want to see us change, even if it is for the better; they do not understand the changes because they are not walking our path, they are at their own place on their path. Do not let others discourage you and do not let the past hold you back from walking on into your new life, your new you. Even though outwardly there may not be any visible changes in your life such as where you live or work, there are changes taking place inward that must be nurtured and allowed to flourish. We all change but especially when we make the commitment to a spiritual life. We are made new in the light of God. Psalm 102:26, “ . . . as a vesture shalt Thou change the...

Staying Motivated in the Spirit

Let’s talk about motivation, motivation in the Spirit and in the mind. This is one area where we can easily fall short if we do not stay on top of it. It is in the parable in which Jesus spoke about the seeds falling on various types of soil. Motivation would be in Mark 4:16-17 (MSG), “And some are like the seed that lands in the gravel. When they first hear the Word, they respond with great enthusiasm. But there is such shallow soil of character that when the emotions wear off and some difficulty arrives, there is nothing to show for it.” Quickly, initially motivated but then losing that motivation after a while. We want to be the fertile soil in which the seed falls, Mark 4:20, “But the seed planted in the good earth represents those who hear the Word, embrace it, and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams.” How to Stay Motivated It is the new life that helps to motivate us to become the fertile rather than the rocky soil. Understanding that we ar...

No Expiration On Dreams

No Expiration Looking for a dream . . . waiting on the train.  Red lipstick and a suitcase full of hope. No expiration.  Swirling fantasies collide with the conductor’s call . . . “All aboard.”  I make my way down the aisle of mystery, And I wake. Breakfast needs to be made, laundry beckons me To a clotheslined horizon.  Looking for a dream . . . waiting on the coffee. Red Lipstick and a skillet full of hope. No expiration.  ~cdy*b About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and spirituality. Order her books  or find at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and ITunes Subscribe  on YouTube  

The Will to Believe

I don't know about you but I know that I have to work at believing every day, sometimes every minute. Some days I might be soaring but then along comes something that I let affect me or my spirits or create doubt and boom, the next thing you know I am struggling or worse, stuck in the mire. It is not easy to be a full-time believer, if it were everyone would be doing it. No, it takes work, faith, trust, effort, perseverance. Some days I have to use every ounce of will that I can muster but one thing I have learned is that if I ask and allow the will to simply flow through me, it comes with ease. It is when we do not consciously seek it, that it can seem most difficult.  We have to willfully seek to believe. It takes effort as so many things can creep in and create doubt. We make a conscious decision and daily effort to believe, stick with it, practice it, and when we do, the power of God will always come through and be with us, even if we have to put in the effort from...