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If You Fear It, You May Need It

When I was fourteen or fifteen, I went to a big city church with some of my family on occasion. Now, I had been raised in a small country Methodist church where everyone knew everyone, the kids played tag on the lawn after service, and little old ladies sat contentedly in congregation adjusting their Sunday hats ever so slightly as we gently sang “Bringing in the Sheaves.” In no way was I prepared for what I would experience at a big city non-denominational church. 

People seemed to be filled with the Holy Spirit beyond my youthful comprehension. At one point, many began freely speaking in tongues as they swayed and fell about the nave, an act I had not ever witnessed in our quiet country church. I remember feeling fearful and as if I were suffocating until I finally jumped up and raced from the church into the out of doors where I waited for my family until the service adjourned. I am fairly certain it was a good while before I again attended any church.

If you cannot stand up to something, 
then you fear it, 
and if you fear it, there is a good chance 
 it is exactly what you need.

One thing I have learned in my older age is that when I fear facing something, it is possibly something I need or a change I fear to make. As a young teen, I did not want to be confronted with anything as altering as the Holy Spirit and certainly not in public. My concerns were of friends, having a good time, boys, and music. Now, at the time, and even to this day, I have no clue as to the authenticity of the behavior of those within that church; whether or not it was real or merely a show of proposed believers. What I do know is that it caused me fear; fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of perhaps even God, and I ran and I stayed away. I feared the idea of being filled with the Spirit. 

Today, I am a very different person; I ask to be filled with the Spirit each day in hopes that I will fulfill all that is spiritually possible within me to fulfill as I strive to allow myself to channel and to share the gifts bestowed upon me for my Divine purpose.

We have all had frightening or even bad religious experiences and the Spirit comes to each of us in different ways at different times. Whether or not we understand the experience at the time is an indicator as to where we are at spiritually and to whether we need to face up to our own inner Spirit and its guidance. Our own reaction can actually be the clue to what we need to see or do or face because if it shows us fear, then it is showing where we are lacking in strength. I was lacking in spiritual strength though I did not know it at the time, and my misinterpretation of such things contributed to, and allowed, me to completely avoid the matter altogether. I later found my way to the spiritual opening which the Spirit set forth but it was not without heartache, loss and tragedy, as is the case many times, for it can take a severe loss or hit to jar us into awakening.

The point here is that there may be many opportunities along the path, be they even disguised in fear, where the Spirit beckons. Sometimes we see them and sometimes we do not. Either way, it is part of our growth and evolution and we all need know the Spirit does not give up on us and there is always an opening waiting. When you recognize this opening and feel guided, then it is time to step through. At fourteen I was not ready and it was to take many years of preparation before I would concede. And it’s not about going back to that big church, it is about finding the Spirit within; all we ever need is always with us, wherever we are, whatever we do, whatever we are going through.

It takes courage to follow the path of light 

We all grow and evolve. Sometimes in life we go through phases where we are unsure, then all at once we may have an epiphany of understanding and our road has suddenly curved. It takes courage to follow the path of light and in many cases others do not understand the need to make changes. People want to see us as they “think” they know us, keep us in a box, because when we grow and change, it can cause them to feel threatened because they are not ready for growth or change; they are comfortable in their zone and due to fear, they do not want anything to change. That’s OK, but we have to be who we are, if it is time for us to grow, then it is time for us to grow, and we must be strong enough to let it happen and brave enough to follow the currant. We cannot keep the Spirit in a box. Spirit is God and God has an agenda and if you feel that you have been put on a course of spiritual evolution by the Spirit within, then it is time to make the change. It is time to follow your course.

It’s pretty simple; we are the miracle, we only need allow ourselves to perform it. Do not hold back. “Quench not the Spirit.” 1 Thessalonians 5:19, this means to not put out the fire of the Spirit.

When we are shown that it is time to move forward and we open up and start allowing ourselves to allow the miracles, we know beyond all things that we are then receiving of the Spirit within.  We know that we are truly guided and ready to be the best that we can be and to perform the Godly miracles that we were put here to share. We know that indeed the Holy Spirit is manifest within us and works through us when once we make the changes and allow it to shine through and to lead the way. Fear no longer holds us back, we have faced it and either it has shown us what we need, or we have defeated it as an illusion. Either way, we are stronger, more confident and in touch with the spiritual guidance within and ready to take the next steps on the path to spiritual enlightenment and to a happier, healthier and abundant life.

Let angels guide thy path.

Get your journey on! Your soul-journey.

Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250
Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life

Books, videos, inspiration, divine guidance.

About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam

Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and women's spirituality. For the past five years, she has been diligently working in Angelology, as well as publishing a series of books on angelic guidance as well as "The New Age of Christ." 

Bruedigam is a certified yoga and meditation instructor. She lives in New Mexico with her husband.

Order her books or find at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and ITunes


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