Isn't it time you honored the feminine within? We are so much more than what we think, perceive, or see with the eyes. We are all that is the heart. Our feminine natures run deep; back to ancient beginnings, up to the moon to her mysteries that flow through our cycles. We are young maidens, we are mothers, and we are at last crones before we repeat the cycle. Celebrate each step of the way. Treasure all that you are.
Words linger. Whether it is audible, something spoken to us or something we read, words linger in our minds and stick like glue. Words are one of the few things that set us apart from all the other animals and living things, we can speak. Is it any wonder that the memory of a mother’s soft coo can so strongly calm and send us to the kitchen for a cup of coco or that the memory of a scolding can set us trembling? Words are positive, negative or neutral; neutral words have little effect but words of a positive or negative nature can lift up and inspire or tear down and destroy. In a sense, they are our strongest power and thus the power of words move with us across time. St. Catherine Christine de Pisan Whether I am reading the Bible or an ancient manuscript crafted out a thousand or more years ago by isolated monks on some remote island or a contemporary twentieth century author who has now passed, it never ceases to amaze me that I get to hear their thoughts acr...
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