The popular phrase seeking/finding your true self is deceptive and creates continual confusion because if we are in union with God, there is no need to seek the self . When we are trying to find our true self, it means that we are lost and disconnected, separated from God. The “seeking and finding” part keeps you going in circles. It’s about just being who you inherently are, not going through phase after phase, and I don’t mean creativity or work/career changes or projects. I mean fads and such that distract us from the ability to stay in union with God which is from where the real, the authentic self (if you want to call it that) stems. As long as we are disconnected from that source, we will never be able to be that real self that we are continually seeking while feeling disconnected. The harder we try, the further away we drift. I was so consumed with seeking my true self , that I became completely self-absorbed. In my life I have sought and sought ...