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Showing posts from December, 2018

Turning Fear to Love to Stop Over-complicating Our Lives

   Does the butterfly fear? Does the butterfly over-complicate its life? Do you over-complicate so much in life? I do and I know why: I over-complicate everything out of fear; we all do because we stay in fight-or-flight mode all the time in our society which causes our underlying instinct for survival to stay kicked on. Because of this, we therefore perceive so much more as a threat than we otherwise would when we are still and can hear the voice of calm within. I know I love God, and God  is  love, therefore his love lives within me (if I am allowing it) and this is perfect love and that perfect love casts out fear. If I am still fearing, then I am not allowing God to dwell in me. If I fear, then I am out of spiritual alignment. So it is really not so complicated to  turn the fear to love. Simply open up, allow, and receive God’s perfect love within.  1 John 4:16-18  (KJV) 16 And we have known and believed the love that ...

Window to the World

It is late afternoon. Looking out the window I think what an amazing world in which we live. The stark beauty of the winter sky against the silhouetted dark, leafless trees as the last golden rays of the sun linger upon them; they seem to cling, as do I, to the fleeting light. I wonder how many people each day ever even look out their window to the world beyond. How many times a day do they walk by a window, unnoticed. Many may not have a view, and if so, look up; look up and gaze upon the power of the sky in all its many moods and breathe in the simple yet glorious view of creation. Of course I prefer to go out and step into the beauty itself but when I cannot, my window is my eye to all that is in our unique and amazing world.   About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s stud...

If We Make It Through December: A Most Cherished Christmas Memory

Today I made the annual pilgrimage over to Youtube to listen once again to Merle Haggard’s, “If We Make It Through December,” my favorite all-time Christmas song. It can be said to be depressing yes; some would say I should be listening to songs about glistening snowmen and bells jingling, or the birth of the Savior or happy shoppers, but for me this song lingers nearest to my heart because of a Christmas long ago. In 1971, the Christmas that I was eleven, my grandfather (who had raised me) was out of work. It had happened that he had developed health issues and was told by the doctor to leave his longtime job as a flight inspector for Bell Helicopter. He was also a rodeo producer, working hard on the side and weekends to continue with his dreams but it was not enough to fully support the family or lifestyle so it was a most trying time for my grandparents as they struggled to adjust to his unexpected early retirement. I think he was in his early fifties at the time. He had p...

IndigNATION: A Self-seeking indignant society

We have become a self-seeking indignant society; always angered, constantly offended, each person or group perceiving that they are being treated unfairly. Aside from division, this leads to unrighteous behavior because due to this perceived mistreatment, persons are no longer standing for what is just , they are standing for their own individual perceptions, which in turn leads to more anger, wrath and indignation.  Romans 2:6-10 says, 6 who "will render to each one according to his deeds": 7 eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; 8 but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness--indignation and wrath, 9 tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil. . . 10 but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good . . . Look at the definitions of several words in those verses. Can you identify any areas where you may be exhibiting this...