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Showing posts from October, 2017

Post-Its from God - Treasures of the Heart Mat 6:21

The Spirit provides us with with daily guidance on all things, if only we look and listen. In this particular verse, Jesus tell us, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." He is speaking about preparing our heavenly place but in His wisdom imparts that where we put our focus is what we will receive and that the things that we put our heart into will bring forth our true treasures. If we are doing something with heart, then heaven is pleased. We experience that heavenly pleasure within. Let angels guide thy path. Get your journey on! Your soul-journey.                      Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250 Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life Books, videos, inspiration, divine guidance. About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies,...

Morning Communion and Trees

She [wisdom] is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her:  and happy is every one that retaineth her.  Proverbs 3:18 There are many unique and beautiful ways to commune with the Spirit each morning. One of my favorite ways is through nature and the trees. I am fortunate enough to be surrounded in trees, old elms, which have become a loving part of my morning devotion. Every morning first thing, when I have my coffee, I sit in front of a window that looks out immediately upon the old elms. In silent commune I greet them and they channel the natural energy of the Spirit back to me, infusing my soul with the wisdom of the ages. This is a beautiful time for contemplation upon the Spirit in nature, a time for thanks and gratitude and to simply “be.”  We are one; we are together in Spirit, the trees and I. If you have trees outside or near your windows, try sitting with them in the morning’s sun. If you do not have trees nearby, here a...

Yoga Alive - One Morning Stretch

There is no doubt about it that yoga makes you feel alive. Did you know that one simple yoga stretch in the morning can wake you up, make you feel alive and change and enhance your entire day? It can. Pick your favorite or as a suggestion: This would be the beginning of a sun salutation (which is a series of flowing, connected poses) but here we will focus only on the initial stretch. Stand in Mountain pose, feet slightly apart. Hands in front of the chest with palms touching in Prayer pose. Straighten the body as tall as possible, shoulders down and back, imagine your neck pulled up tautly by a string, eyes straight ahead. Breathe in, on the exhalation, breathe out and raise the arms, palms still touching, above your head then gently bring the hands apart into a wide arc above the head.  Now inhale again and begin to lean back and arch the back as far as possible (without losing your balance or falling backward) in the standing position with arms still in th...

Let Your Wild Child Live

Sometimes when as adults, we seek to heal from childhood pain, whether it be pain that we caused others or pain that was done to us (most of us probably have a little of both), we block out or numb all the experiences of childhood. When we do this however, we may be blocking out the very things that made us unique. As we heal, part of the process is to discern which things to keep and which things to let go of through the healing. In my own case, I was pretty bratty once I hit puberty. I did not have a normal childhood as I lost my mother when I was an infant and was raised by my paternal grandparents. There was much buried anger in losing my mother of which I was not even aware and unfortunately I took it out on many that loved me. I was a wild child in many a sense. Lately, I keep seeing these movies about teenage redhead girls like the girl I once was; wild, uncontrollable, different from everyone else but special in some way and I was indeed all of these things an...

If You Fear It, You May Need It

When I was fourteen or fifteen, I went to a big city church with some of my family on occasion. Now, I had been raised in a small country Methodist church where everyone knew everyone, the kids played tag on the lawn after service, and little old ladies sat contentedly in congregation adjusting their Sunday hats ever so slightly as we gently sang “Bringing in the Sheaves.” In no way was I prepared for what I would experience at a big city non-denominational church.  People seemed to be filled with the Holy Spirit beyond my youthful comprehension. At one point, many began freely speaking in tongues as they swayed and fell about the nave, an act I had not ever witnessed in our quiet country church. I remember feeling fearful and as if I were suffocating until I finally jumped up and raced from the church into the out of doors where I waited for my family until the service adjourned. I am fairly certain it was a good while before I again attended any church. If you c...

From Judgment to Love

Recently, I kept catching myself being judgmental; and worse, I was doing it while I also judged others of being judgmental. Wow, really? Who me? Additionally, I was judging others by assuming that they were going to judge me and this I have come to see was a negative block in keeping me from moving forward. Oh what a tangled web we weave. Finding and accepting fault in our self is never easy. It is probably safe to assume that I have always been this way and am now noticing as I further evolve in the light. It is possible that there has been an increase due to my participation in social media where before I was rarely exposed to the public opinions of the masses. I also currently live in a closer-knit community than I ever have before where I am exposed more closely to many more people. Never mind the excuses, whatever the case, it has shown itself in my Divine list of things to correct. This is something we all do, isn’t it? We do not intend to, we really sometimes mean...

Daily Inspiration

Have faith. Be of good graces and know that you are guided and cared for. Hold in your heart the light that shines pure and receive all that is in its glory. Let angels guide thy path. Get your journey on! Your soul-journey.                       From Author, Angel Intuitive & Yoga Instructor,  Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250 Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life Books, videos, inspiration, divine guidance. About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and women's spirituality. For the past five years, she has been diligently working in Angelology, as well as publishing a series of books on angelic guidance.  Bruedigam is a certified yoga and meditation instru...

Autumn Delight

In the splendor of Autumn’s delights, we experience the truest beauty of the soul.  It is true, isn't it? What more magical time of year when God's creation is at its most majestic grandeur? Colors are bursting forth, days are crisp and there is a feeling in the air that just makes the spirit soar. The glory of God is abounding and it is as if the soul must breathe it in. Let angels guide thy path. Get your journey on! Your soul-journey.                         From Author, Angel Intuitive & Yoga Instructor,  Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250 Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life Books, videos, inspiration, divine guidance. About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to wome...

Let Beauty and Peace Fill the Mind

As tragedies continue to occur, let us fill our hearts and minds with beauty and peace, even as we pray for others; especially as we pray for others. If we are of the light, it is up to us to remain centered and aligned in times of tragedy more than ever so that we can help those in need. Beauty and peace, through the grace of God, both internally and from the natural world, can give us the balance that we need which we can then extend to others. Let angels guide thy path. Get your journey on! Your soul-journey.                         From Author, Angel Intuitive & Yoga Instructor,  Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250 Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life Books, videos, inspiration, divine guidance. About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and wome...

It's Time - Get Jazzed

Do you feel it? I feel it. It’s time to get pumped, get jazzed, get your joy on. Get motivated. Get creative. Get inspired. BE joyous. Do what you do and let your light shine through.  Maybe it's the crisp fall air but maybe it is the major shift that is happening now for many. As we grow and evolve spiritually, we shed the old worn out tired skin and step into a fresh new place within; a place filled with bliss, powered by the Spirit and the heart, where we find that we can now soar to authentic heights. Find your place, find your voice, find your bliss. It's time.  Let angels guide thy path. Get your journey on! Your soul-journey. From Author, Angel Intuitive & Yoga Instructor,  Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250 Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life Books, videos, inspiration, divine guidance. About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, the angels’ author, has been writing spiritually for thirty...