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Showing posts from 2015

A Writer

A writer is the scribe of the soul; loosed by imagination. ~c. bruedigam

Journal - October 16, 2015

Journal October 16, 2015 Cool rainy, weather, journaling, Anais Nin, Hawaii Five-0 and Chili Dogs. My life at present is a giant blinking cursor on a blank page because I am in-between projects. This happens every few years, probably to most writers. But I have been keeping journals dating back to 1978 when I first began. That’s a lot of journals. My son seems to think I should publish them, but why on earth anyone would want to read them, I cannot imagine. I feel like Anais Nin, keeping them safely tucked away in a vault (or in my case a storage unit, at least those that are pre-computer years). Anyway, since journaling is what I do the most (I won’t say best), I will keep a journal here at my blog for no reason at all other than it occupies me and helps me to think and heal, grow, create and prattle on. One of my unfinished projects that I can’t seem to get back on (as I am still waiting on that trip to London ) is an historical/fantasy/fiction novel titled Ravenna ...

The Best Things in Life are Free

by Cheryl Bruedigam Like . . . puppy dogs A hot bubble bath . . . even if you have to get the water from a stream and heat it over a fire . . . A purple flower . . . Homemade ice cream . . . Watching the sunset . . . or sitting alone for an hour. Raindrops and laughter, Singing, painting, dancing . . . Walking in the forest or along a stream, These are the best things to me it seems. copyright 2015

Things Your Mother Should Have Told You - Part 1 (Elem., Jr. High, High School)

One of the rites of passage beyond forty is the dawning of light; of understanding, of knowing.  Perhaps some things, many things, are just left for each of us to figure out, to experience, to contemplate.  Some may have been too embarrassing to tell (for obvious reasons), others may have been too hush-hush, those things that were known or done but never, ever, spoken of. Perhaps she forgot, the older we get, the further away we are from life = s stages that we have left behind, and the crises within those stages that no longer seem to be the end of the world. Whatever their reasons for keeping us in the dark; ignorance, unawareness, religious doctrine, embarrassment, or just plain spite to watch us squirm, we slowly move through life = s phases on our own gathering bit after bit of knowledge, as those long-awaited A ahas, @ provide at least some satisfaction as we all too rapidly discover our world.  Perhaps your mother did tell you but you weren = t lis...