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Showing posts from August, 2019

Christ - The Bottom Line, A Vision for Humanity

Last night in my Bible studies, I had a very deep understanding of a concept in The Message , Romans 8:29-30 “The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him.”  To me, this is the bottom line with Christ. I understood this on a very deep level, so deep that it was mind-blowing; that we see what we are supposed to be, how we are supposed to be, how humanity is supposed to be, that we see God’s intention for us.   There is so much clarity in this understanding, in that our creation in relation to Christ makes so much sense as indeed we were intended to live in His likeness. We are given an eternal example to which humanity can look to aspire. Without this example, we are merely lost and struggling in darkness, self-absorption and complete unawareness.  Holding this example within our sight gives the light and guidance needed to achieve spiritual wholeness when applied to our...

On the Wings of Autumn

On the wings of autumn, Gentle breezes with a hint of crispness, Glide and dip in unexpectedly As summer winds to an end. Hope rekindles with refreshment, In the knowing that soon will come The golden splendor of fall. copyright Cheryl Bruedigam 2019  About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and spirituality. S he is now teaching and sharing  A Woman's Path to Wholeness Through Biblical Teachings .

Bible Will Teach You How to Know Your Enemy; Know Your Self

When we study the Word, and we are given the ears to hear, and the ability to discern, we can then be confident of the truth from wherever it comes. Last night in re-watching the movie, “Birth of the Dragon,” I was able to understand so much more due to my Bible studies. From the movie, “Lesson number one, know your enemy. Lesson number two, know your self. With these two principles, you need never fear a thousand battles.” This was so heavy and so profound and I got it on such a deep spiritual level regarding all facets of life (not just regarding two men in physical combat). The Bible has shown me how to know my enemy and to know my self and therefore not fear. When we truly understand that we are an eternal child of God, then we know our self . When we understand that anyone or thing (including our own thoughts) that is not in the light of God is of the darkness (even those lost in the gray), then we know our enemy.  Jesus said in Mathew 12:30, “He t...

How to Love Your Neighbor AND Speak for Righteousness

Many times we are caught between what is right and keeping peace with those we love. What is the answer? When and where do we draw the line? Two mass shootings yesterday. Love your neighbor or speak for righteousness? That is my question today. After posing this question, as well as praying about it, I immediately saw a Facebook post that said, “if you avoid conflict to keep peace, you start a war within yourself.” At first I thought, there’s the answer but for some reason I was inclined to read the comments which I rarely ever do. Many people made good points against it, like turning it over to God and that this quote is not from the Word. After reading many of the comments, I felt they were right and the post was wrong, though it was from a Christian page; I think it is inciting. We are told to seek the path of peace, I just read that after all this last night. Rom 13:19 “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace.” We are told in the Bible at time...