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Showing posts from April, 2019

Increase Your Faith with Simple Reminders

Keeping faith is easier on some days and harder on others. Simple reminders can help to increase our faith on the more difficult days. There are many ways to place reminders about your home or work space. Something with the word faith on it is the best thing to use. I have mine on a candle-holder and I cannot tell the countless times that one candle-holder has gotten me through the day or a particularly rough spot. I don’t seek it out; it just seems to always show up in my line of vision at the very moment I need to see it, otherwise I don’t usually even notice it is there. Posters or plaques are another great idea;  So too are any visual with a quote including the word faith .  Other ideas might be a key-chain or a garden rock, a hot plate in the kitchen; the ideas are endless. Don’t place them in a mainstream place but don’t hide them out of the way either. They need to be in a place so that when you do see it (which will be exactly when you need...

Easter Renewal

We spend so much time seeking to renew ourselves through relaxation, entertainment, addictions, relationships and so many other things but the one true path to renewal that we may fail to see is right in front of us through the Resurrection.  Putting all else aside, let this Easter Sunday be your doorway to the new, to the free, to the love that is offered each and every one of us. Simply stop, and ask to be renewed through Christ.   Ephesians 4:22-24 that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.  Many loving Easter blessings. About Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in Englis...

Taking a Time-Out for God: Know When to Slow Down

Days like today (when I don’t feel well) are given to slow me down so that I will listen . Our need in society is to stay busy which drowns out having to hear something we may not want to hear, or just drowning out the voice of God in general. I do otherwise try to just stay busy and feel weird when I am not. God knows that sometimes I will not slow down to make take the time-out on my own so He slows me down. In this society, we are made to feel that if we just sit with God, we are doing nothing or being lazy or not getting anything accomplished which translates to “looser.” So, if we don’t make the quiet time to be with God, He will do it for us and we may not always like the way He goes about it. Better to do it of our own accord than to wait for it to be thrust upon us. And He will keep doing it until we realize that the time is for Him. Perhaps once we commit fully to making that time each day, we will then begin the healing process in the areas of our liv...

Parking Lot Blessings and Reflections through the Windshield

The Grocery Store: Parking Lot Blessings and Reflections through the Windshield When we give, we receive and when we look, we see. Life in its everyday ordinary garb is filled with treasures; the bits and pieces that make up our world, that make us unique yet one. Sitting in the parking lot of the grocery store while waiting on my husband, my experience of this was two-fold: I first decided to try sending a blessing to everyone I saw. This led me to the conclusion that if you are busy blessing others, you do not have time to judge them. Eventually, instead of looking at people’s presumed flaws, differences or otherwise, you are looking to see if you have overlooked anyone; seeing everyone the same because they all deserve a blessing all the while feeling blessed to be there seeing them. It was quite an enlightening experience and begs a daily practice. During the parking lot blessings, I saw a teen-aged redheaded girl who worked at the grocery store, come out t...

Words Across Time

Words linger. Whether it is audible, something spoken to us or something we read, words linger in our minds and stick like glue. Words are one of the few things that set us apart from all the other animals and living things, we can speak. Is it any wonder that the memory of a mother’s soft coo can so strongly calm and send us to the kitchen for a cup of coco or that the memory of a scolding can set us trembling? Words are positive, negative or neutral; neutral words have little effect but words of a positive or negative nature can lift up and inspire or tear down and destroy. In a sense, they are our strongest power and thus the power of words move with us across time. St. Catherine Christine de Pisan Whether I am reading the Bible or an ancient manuscript crafted out a thousand or more years ago by isolated monks on some remote island or a contemporary twentieth century author who has now passed, it never ceases to amaze me that I get to hear their thoughts acr...

Lead by Example

Read the article below or watch the video here or on my channel Was thinking of the idea of leading by example and I think that’s one aspect of what it means to walk as children of light. Ephesians 5:8 says, “For ye were sometimes in darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light.” In our “walk” we are physically setting an example by each action for others to observe. Each of us has way more influential ability than we may realize. Whether it is in our home to our loved ones and children, our work, our community, in church, and most especially these days, on social media, we are constantly setting an example by our actions. It is important therefore that we constantly review our actions to make sure they align with all that is good and just and light. It is easy to slip off into negativity as we allow others to influence us rather than the other way around where we should be influencing them. Stop frequently throughout the day to re-s...