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Showing posts from August, 2016

Do it with Love

Whatever you do, do it with love. If it is not filled with love, then it may not be right for you. Of course there are many things we must do in life that we do not "love" but we have to do them out of duty, responsibility or obligation but when it comes to our Divine purpose, our bliss, we know this thing by the feel of it, by our inner reaction, which should be love.  Finding and fulfilling your blissful Divine purpose will fill you with the love of what you are doing and the thing that you are doing will be filled with love as it goes out to others and into the world. This does not denote a specific spiritual thing but can be anything that is your calling, that is your purpose, for when it is done with love, it is released with love and will send love to the lives it touches.  Even day-to-day actions, every action, when done with love becomes Divine because we are then allowing the Spirit to work through us in all that we do. But if in situations such as ca...

Introduction to The New Age of Christ

       The New Age of Christ is based on exploring the ideas of achieving Christ Consciousness and becoming Christ-like in our physical, daily lives, through the actual teachings of Christ; digging to the root meanings, re-evaluating misconstrued perceptions and moving forward into the dawn of a new light in Christ, a new age of Christ. This study is not about Christianity, nor is it about new age , it is about Christ, the teachings of Christ and our perceptions as we awaken to Christ consciousness.      The New Age of Christ is a dedicated commitment to the rebirth and awakening of our spirit in order to heal humanity, the planet, and all living things through Christ Consciousness, as we evolve into a new enlightened era. When finally we have achieved one love, Christ will have returned. “This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12 KJV)      As I said, this study ...

Miracles are on Their Way

Sometimes it takes all the patience and faith that we can muster and then some, to hang on, to keep believing. If our belief was not tested, it wouldn't be belief, it would not be faith. You have asked and waited and prayed and hoped. Your prayers are heard. You are always in the light and love of God and everything that you so desire is given consideration for your betterment. If it is of your true desire and is in line for the betterment of your life-path, your soul, and it is of goodness in intent, then it is for you to receive, but you must believe. When you come to understand that all that you have sought and waited is only a measure of your belief, then you will receive. 

Ode to Virginia (Woolf)

by Cheryl Bruedigam Virginia Woolf 1901 She stirred my muses. I could write just like her, I knew I could, if only I would think on it, remove myself and my misgivings from the path of the pen thereby releasing its lightening swift approach to the paper, shedding light on the multitude of hidden words and thoughts, judgments and curiosities that continually flow through the mind. I knew at that moment, that I was indeed the writer I had been born to be.  Freeing the pen of my mind that had been stifled by the tatter of commercial publications and the limited view of those to whom they are marketed. The muses came alive with wit and wonder at the onset, freeing with fire an imaginative lurch that sprang forth from the well near-buried in the rubble of life. Who knew the mercies that heaven lay upon us when once we free the architecture of being, when once we loose the time-honored soul? O the sweet pleasure of delight in the freedom of purified thought whereby we regal...